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The “Mulat: Youth for Community Media and Human Rights Fellowship” is a program that offers mentorship  and collaboration geared towards empowering the youth to become media patrollers for human rights advocacy in their communities. Fellows of this program will produce human rights stories that highlight narratives of dignity, hope and resilience in the community.

IDEALS capacitates youth in communities for human rights reporting and multimedia storytelling through the fellowship. Fellows from nine organizations and communities underwent lectures on human rights, community journalism, solutions journalism, mobile journalism and paralegal training. Workshops were also conducted to enhance their media production skills such as newswriting, photography, videography and graphic design. 

Through this skills-building, the youth were able to produce stories by their community, for their community. At least 27 stories will be featured in the ‘Dignidad’ microsite, a platform for human rights stories,which will tackle mental health, right to education, overcoming poverty,  effects of Duterte’s “drug-war” campaign, teenage pregnancy, human rights defenders and many more.

IDEALS capitalizes in community journalism or citizen journalism as means to amplify voices of the marginalized and to foster civic engagement, raise local issues and defend the truth.

Mulat Fellows

Mga Kwentong MULAT