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Fair Finance Philippines engages in a multistakeholder dialogue on Multilateral Climate Funding Facilities in the Philippines

by Tiffany Angela Postrero
Quezon City, Philippines – In a groundbreaking event held at The B Hotel last January 24, 2024, The Institute for Climate and Sustainable Cities with Oxfam Pilipinas presented the impacts of projects supported by the Green Climate Fund (GCF) and Global Environment Facility (GEF) in the Philippines.

Together with partners from the government and civil society, Fair Finance Philippines engaged in the research sensemaking activity unpacking the initial findings and recommendations on GCF and GEF-backed projects. This comes as part of our ongoing commitment to facilitate CSO-led policy influencing and advocacy, setting the stage for a constructive multistakeholder dialogue on multilateral climate funding facilities.

The Department of Energy Philippines, Climate Change Commission PH, Philippine Commission on Women, and Development Bank of the Philippines, as well as civil society organizations including Reboot Philippines, Legal Rights and Natural Resources Center, Tebtebba, IDEALS, Inc., and The Climate Reality Project Philippines also contributed their insights to the discussions.

The research, titled “Tracking Just Energy Transition (JET)-related Projects in the Philippines: A Policy and Program Review of the Green Climate Fund (GCF) and Global Environment Facility (GEF),” aims to comprehend the various multilateral climate funding mechanisms that underpin climate adaptation and #JustEnergyTransition efforts at both the national and local levels.

The collaborative effort seeks not only to present research findings but also to kick off a series of constructive multistakeholder discussions. As the country grapples with the challenges posed by climate change, initiatives such as these serve as beacons of hope, highlighting the power of collaboration in building a resilient and sustainable future.

Fair Finance Philippines, along with its partners, remains committed to driving positive change in the realm of climate action and financing, setting an inspiring example for other nations to follow suit.